
Float type

I inhereted a database that has a lot of Float type columns. Typically
these columns hold decimal-type data rounded to four decimal points
such as:
Is Float the appropriate data type for use with these types of columns?Float is generally referred to as an approximate datatype (approximate for the 10.base system, which
us humans tend to use). This mean that a value you input might not be the one which is stored, just
try below:
SELECT CAST(3.1 AS float)
If above is not acceptable, then use NUMERIC with a scale of 4 instead, like:
SELECT CAST(3.1 AS numeric(9,4))
Tibor Karaszi, SQL Server MVP
Blog: http://solidqualitylearning.com/blogs/tibor/
"laurenq uantrell" <laurenquantrell@.hotmail.com> wrote in message
>I inhereted a database that has a lot of Float type columns. Typically
> these columns hold decimal-type data rounded to four decimal points
> such as:
> 987.1234
> Is Float the appropriate data type for use with these types of columns?

