Hi All
I have a report that brings back data based on the week a user selects.
The user will select a week number (e.g. week 1) then the report will automatically generate the first date (Monday) and last date of that week (Sunday), based on a whole week for the current year.
So, user selects week 3 for this year. The report generates the first date of the week: 16/01/2006 and last date of the week: 22/01/2006.
Note: I’m in the UK, so I am using the UK date format.
Try this:
Declare @.DOW As Char(10), @.weekdate Datetime, @.Monday DateTime, @.Sunday DateTime,
@.Working As Int, @.WeekNo Int
-- Find first day of year
Set @.WeekDate = (select DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0))
--Find a date in this week - any date
Set @.Working = @.WeekNo * 7
Select @.WeekDate = DateAdd(dd,@.Working,@.WeekDate)
Get day of week and subtract number of days to get the Monday
Set @.DOW = DateName(dw,@.Weekdate)
Set @.Monday = @.Weekdate
Set @.Monday = Case @.DOW
When 'Sunday' Then DateAdd(dd,-6,@.WeekDate)
When 'Saturday' Then DateAdd(dd,-5,@.WeekDate)
When 'Friday' Then DateAdd(dd,-4,@.WeekDate)
When 'Thursday' Then DateAdd(dd,-3,@.WeekDate)
When 'Wednesday' Then DateAdd(dd,-2,@.WeekDate)
When 'Tuesday' Then DateAdd(dd,-1,@.WeekDate)
Else @.Monday
Set @.Sunday = DateAdd(dd,6,@.Monday)
Select @.Monday, @.Sunday
You feed in @.WeekNo